What are the benefits of being a member of the Electrolysis Society of Florida? When you sign up as a new ESF member (or renew your membership) in the 2025 year, you will receive discounted conference/webinar rates as well as a listing in the easily accessed, public directory. The meeting rate is significantly less for members than nonmembers and you will be kept abreast of any updated licensure information as well as the latest in electrolysis and laser techniques.

Being an ESF member brings many rewards and advantages:

  1. Our membership year runs from January 1st through December 31st. (Your dues will cover the current year.)

  2. All ESF Conferences/Webinars are offered at a discounted rate to members.

  3. We hold one(1) Continuing Education seminar per year (February), as well as at least four (4) Live Zoom Webinars.

  4. Business meetings to discuss & vote on Legislative and key issues.

  5. These seminars include a membership meeting on Friday evening and a full day of continuing education on Saturday(6-8 CEU's). These continuing education units (CEU’s) will be applicable for Florida state license renewal.

  6. We try to use national as well as state level speakers for quality programs.

  7. Attending ESF membership meetings will keep you informed of licensure and legislative issues. We have a legislative liaison present at every Electrolysis Council meeting.

  8. Your membership also allows us to retain our lobbyist in Tallahassee. He is keenly aware of our concerns in both electrolysis and laser, and works to keep us aware of any pending legislation regarding them.

  9. You will be assured placement in the online ESF Membership Directory on our website. The information you submit in your membership application will be what’s added to the website Directory:

  10. Your membership fee is a TAX DEDUCTION.

  11. The Electrolysis Society of Florida’s dues are as follows:

Active Member: Electrologists who are actively participating in the profession of electrolysis by furnishing such service to the general public for consideration. It shall be incumbent upon all active members to operate in conformity with any or all state, county, and local rules and regulations or ordinance pertaining to the service of electrolysis. …(Does not include $30 new member application fee)…$155

Associate Member: Associate membership shall be open to those who have an interest in the profession of electrolysis and are not actively practicing, but maintain a status of good standing in the Electrolysis Society of Florida, Inc. and whose annual dues have been received by the Treasurer. Associate members may have the privilege of voice, but may not vote, hold office, or serve as Directors………(Does not include $30 new member application fee)….$155

Provisional Members: Provisional membership shall be open to students of electrolysis who are currently in school or electrologists who are actively participating in the profession of electrolysis but are newly licensed in the last 6 months. Provisional members may have the privilege of voice, but may not vote, hold office, or serve as Directors. …………………………………….….$100

We encourage all members to attend the ESF general membership meeting, which is held on Friday night. There, you will enjoy networking with other electrologists and become aware of the latest changes in our profession. Just a reminder, in order to be a “member in good standing” it is required that you attend at least one meeting (in-person and/or Live Webinar) of the association during the membership year. You will be notified by mail at least four weeks prior to each meeting, provided you are in good standing AND your current mailing address is registered with Tallahassee.